Sunday, July 31, 2011


Anyone who wanted to visit Hell's Kitchen didn't have to go to midtown Manhattan to get there.  All you had to do was come to our house recently.
A week ago this past Monday, I came home and barely had my foot over the kitchen threshold when I was met by my scowling wife.
I know that look.
"There's no air conditioning in this house," she said testily.
The house did seem a little sticky, now that she mentioned it.
As temperatures were in the lower to mid-90s that day, I thought perhaps the warm weather was pushing our central air to the limit.
While the outside unit was humming along, I went downstairs to check the furnace, which was silent.
I went over to the furnace and flipped the switch on the side to OFF.  Then I flipped it back on.  A loud snap and half the lights in the house went dark.
I went to the fusebox and hunted for the pesky breaker, snapping it back on as Margie came to the basement door to question this next round of malady.
I tried a couple other things...definite electrical problem. 
My dad agreed to come out the following day.  He took off the control panel and was greeted by a torrent of water.  He concluded that the IC board drowned in a backed-up drain that carried water removed from the air to an evaporator unit. 
That meant a call to the Rheem guy.  After speaking with the former owner of my house, I called the same people who installed the furnace and maintained it since.  They came out the next morning...about 20 minutes after I placed the call.
They confirmed my dad's suspicions.  They got the system working temporarily until they were able to come out the following day.  They replaced a completely-clogged drain trap and the IC board.
Between the AC issues, our daughter's birthday, and her birthday party to be held later in the week, it made for a very stressful week.
"We need a do-over," Margie said.
But it's times like that that make that glass of wine taste that much better.

NEXT WEEK:  I Need Backup!

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