Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rage Against the Machine

No, I won't be talking about the 90's Alternative rock band, but rather the political climate and the growing anger surrounding it.
A couple weeks ago, I posted a story where a college professor conducted an experiment upon his own students, who were convinced that socialism was good for society.  He used the concept of need-based distribution and gave better students a lower grade while under-performers a higher grade.  I found it amusing and posted it.
Because what professor hasn't drawn the ire of a student?  How many of you have taken a class to find it was nothing at all what you imagined, then not doing as well as you would have hoped for because of it?
An English II class I took in college turned out to be more closely related to a World Cultures class with the focus on China.  For our term paper, we had to pick a select topic about China and then write about it.  I had to write on the three religions closely associated with China prior to Communist control.  This was an English class?
But unfortunately, this is part of the college dynamic.  The things you learn that one says aren't taught in least directly.  You learn that life isn't always fair, and you quite often need to play by someone else's rules if you intend to stay in the game. 
And right or wrong, I feel the present generation and the one before it has been coddled too much.
The article I posted quickly drew the anger, if not unbridled rage, of a former colleague who self-identifies as a liberal Democrat who is quick to speak up about President Obama and every facet of his administration should anyone disrespect it in any way.  So he let fly.
"It makes it hard to take anything you say politically seriously,"
I don't use my column nor my social media walls as platforms for politics.  At least I try not to.  Yet some people use every avenue they can to push a political agenda.
I am a registered Republican, but I have supported much of President Obama's policies.  I supported his decision to not pull troops out of the Middle East and finish what President Bush started.  I supported the economic bailout as well, because without it, the end result would have made the Great Depression look like a gumball machine robbery.
I also know Democrats who became strong Bush supporters after September 11, 2001.  I vote my conscience, not a political party.
If you want my political stand on anything, you can always ask me directly.  And most recently, I've been asked of my stand on the Affordable Health Care Act, or "Obamacare".  This was the end result of what I had posted.
I don't support it in its current form.  That's my opinion, based on facts, and we all know that facts can be interpreted in all kinds of ways.  This is what keeps lawyers busy...and rich.
One person's opinion...mine.  You don't like it, get over it.
Get mad at me.  Defriend me on Facebook.  That's my stand.  It won't be swayed.
That said, have a good day.

NEXT WEEK:  Columnist's Choice

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