...by popular demand, so to speak.
I had chosen to take a break some time ago to focus on other endeavors. However, the call of some of you who take the time to read what I have to say each week proved to be loud enough to the point where I could ignore it no more.
And I thank you all for it. You're the reason I've chosen to press on.
I don't know why what I have to say matters to some people. I don't hold public office, nor am I man of wealth, prestige, or large economic means. I'm just a guy with opinions. And we all know what is said of opinions.
I've written about family life, finances, the broadcasting industry that I've been a part of for more than two and a half decades (though no longer at the mic), politics, the economy, and even theology. You can read this drivel just about anywhere online by people of far greater stature than mine.
Though I believe in freedom of speech, I also believe that that same freedom carries with it some degree of responsibility. It should always be tempered with the accountability of the person or persons saying it. Unfortunately, that's not always the case, and that's what keeps our courtrooms full and our judges busy.
That said, I will do my best to promote that example of responsibility that so-called 'free speech' seems to lack these days. The kind that doesn't pander to fear-mongers, radicals, or even the establishment.
Journalism can be a powerful tool if used in a responsible manner. I have long felt this way, and sadly, it's falling by the wayside, even at the network level.
Pressure by management to 'get it first' rather than 'get it right' often breeds distrust through error. Dan Rather learned this the hard way. However, he's not the only guilty party.
Someone once pointed out to me that so-called 'world' news on America's networks is more 'national' than anything else. You get about 20 minutes of all-internal national news, maybe five minutes of world news, if you're lucky, with the remaining five minutes left to sell for commercial ad time.
I didn't discover the truth in this until one day when I watched a BBC newscast. For me, it was a real eye-opener.
We pay little attention to anything outside our borders and even less to what's happening in our borders at the top levels of government. It's personally distressing to me when younger people choose to get their 'news' from sources like "The Daily Show" or "Weekend Update".
Some say "I don't watch the news because it's too depressing." Hey, reality is a buzzkill. I'm not going to dispute that.
We have a broken Social Security system that's constantly in danger of running out of money. We work for companies more interested in cash now than compassion for its retirees. We've elected government leaders who have ideas but no clues as to how to effectively move forward and actually get things done. We complain about the country's state of affairs yet we choose not to vote and don't support the men and women who fight for our right to do just that.
So I say this...time to wake up, America.
NEXT WEEK: Did You Know Jack?
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